Remembering Gerrit Noordzij
Hyphen Press / 2022.05.06
Gerrit died a few weeks ago, aged 90. Even more than most human beings, he was complex. He was simple, sophisticated, dogmatic, open, authoritative, anti-authoritarian, inquiring, certain, proud, humble, unpretentious, masterly, amateur. I did not know him well, but did encounter and engage with him and his work over many years.
On George Mackie and his work
Hyphen Press / 2021.01.11
An appreciation of the work of the artist-designer George Mackie (1920–2020)
Remembering Robin Fior
Hyphen Press / 2012.11.20
Robin Fior died on 29 September, in hospital at Mafra, outside Lisbon. This is not an obituary (his friend Richard Hollis has written a good one), but merely a set of memories of someone I knew, off and on, over twenty or so years. He was part of a certain network of designers in Britain, whose work has provided a main impetus for Hyphen Press.
Peter Campbell obituary
Hyphen Press / 2011.10.27
Diana Souhami’s good account is in The Guardian today.
Paul Stiff (1949–2011)
Hyphen Press / 2011.04.11
An obituary of Paul Stiff was published in ‘The Guardian’ on 7 April – see here. What follows below is an extended and re-edited version of that text
Teus de Jong (1946–2010)
Hyphen Press / 2010.11.10
Teus de Jong died last week in hospital in Groningen, after a succession of serious illnesses. He was the typesetter of a number of our books, especially the paperbacks designed by Françoise Berserik.
Alexander Verberne
Hyphen Press / 2009.09.15
The typographer Alexander Verberne died on 27 May 2009. After a stroke in 1997, which was followed by further strokes, he had been seriously impaired and was living in a care-home in The Hague. He was born on 18 August 1924 in Den Helder.
Burnhill obituary
Hyphen Press / 2007.06.22
Paul Stiff’s obituary of Peter Burnhill is published in The Guardian today.
Remembering Peter Burnhill
Hyphen Press / 2007.04.17
Peter was there in Stafford as a constant point of reference for me for about thirty years. I remember making what seemed like a pilgrimage from Reading to Stafford, in 1977, to meet him for the first time, and the others around him in the group that made and ran the typography course at the College of Art and Design.
Maurice Goldring
Hyphen Press / 2000.12.30
The architect and typographer Maurice Goldring died on this day. He had developed multiple sclerosis in the 1980s, and had then largely disappeared from the consciousness of his professional colleagues.