Hyphen Press


A list of all items tagged with Burke

Bill 5, Tschichold 6

Hyphen Press / 2025.02.24

The exchanges in 1946 between Max Bill and Jan Tschichold never go away. They combined typography, aesthetics, morality, politics, at a level of seriousness that is rare in any such debate between designers. (In a one sentence summary: Bill accused Tschichold of now practising a reactionary typography, with dangerous political echoes; Tschichold considered Bill’s typography to be artistic in a bad sense, and with a false elevation of machine production.) Recently, revising a text that I had written in the 1990s about the conditions for design in Europe after 1945, I had to check its publishing details again.

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Paul Renner: the art of typography

Hyphen Press / 2022.08.22

The work and life of this German type and book-designer are, for the first time, presented at length and with full historical documentation. Renner lived through the first half of the twentieth century, and this book is, in effect, a history of typography in Germany in those years. It also speaks to present concerns in design, and especially to the search for a rationality deeper than one of easy rules of style.

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Isotype: design and contexts, 1925–1971

Hyphen Press /

The work in graphic communication carried out by Otto Neurath and his associates – now commonly known simply as Isotype – has been the subject of much interest in recent years. Conceived and developed in the 1920s as ‘the Vienna method of pictorial statistics’, this approach to designing information had from its inception the power to grow and spread internationally. Political developments in Europe played their part in its development, and production moved to the Netherlands (1934) and to England (1940), where the Isotype Institute continued to produce work until 1971. Bringing together the latest research, this book is the first comprehensive, detailed account of its subject. The Austrian, Dutch, and English years of Isotype are described here freshly and extensively. There are chapters on the notable extensions of Isotype to Soviet Russia, the USA, and Africa. Isotype work in film and in designing for children is fully documented and discussed. Between these main chapters the book presents interludes documenting Isotype production visually. Three appendices reprint key documents. In its international coverage and its extensions into the wider terrain of history, this book opens a new vista in graphic design.

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From hieroglyphics to Isotype: a visual autobiography

Hyphen Press /

Otto Neurath wrote From hieroglyphics to Isotype during the last two years of his life: this is the first publication of the full text, carefully edited from the original manuscripts in the Otto & Marie Neurath Isotype Collection at the University of Reading. Calling it a ‘visual autobiography’, Neurath documents the importance to him of visual material, from his earliest years to his professional activity with the picture language of Isotype. He draws clear connections between the stimulus he received as a boy – from illustrated books, toys, and exhibitions – to the considered work in visual education that occupied him for the last twenty years of his life. This engaging and informal account gives a rich picture of Central-European culture around the turn of the twentieth century, as well as an exposition of the techniques of Isotype. The edition includes the numerous illustrations intended by Neurath to accompany his text, and is completed by an extensive appendix showing examples from the rich variety of graphic material that he collected.

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Active literature: Jan Tschichold and New Typography

Ash / 2022.07.12

In the first book on Tschichold to be based on extensive archive research, Burke turns fresh and revealing light on his subject. He sets Tschichold in the network of artists and designers who constituted New Typography in its moment of definition and exploration, and puts new emphasis on Tschichold as an activist collector, editor and writer. Tschichold’s work is shown in colour throughout, in freshly made photographs of examples drawn from public and private collections. This is not a biography, but rather a discussion of the work seen in the context of Tschichold’s life and the times in which he lived.

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In translation

Hyphen Press / 2013.10.18

One of the most gratifying and interesting moments in book-publishing is seeing a book of ours issued by another publisher in a translated edition.

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‘From hieroglyphics to Isotype’: book launch (report)

Hyphen Press / 2011.01.26

A short report, with the introductory remarks by Robin Kinross and Eric Kindel, and Christopher Burke’s more substantial exposition of the making of our edition, can now be found on the ‘Isotype revisited’ website.

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‘From hieroglyphics to Isotype’ arrived

Hyphen Press / 2010.09.09

Copies of Otto Neurath’s ‘visual autobiography’ arrived in London a few days ago.

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Otto and Marie Neurath in exile

Hyphen Press / 2008.09.24

On 24 October, Christopher Burke is speaking, in a Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies Seminar, on ‘Otto and Marie Neurath in Exile’.

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‘The new standard work’

Hyphen Press / 2007.08.24

‘… meticulously researched, splendidly illustrated, and very nicely designed – without doubt the new standard work on Tschichold … even experts will find new and surprising things in it.’

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Renner re-clothed

Hyphen Press / 2007.08.14

To coincide with the launch of Christopher Burke’s new book, we have put a new jacket on the remaining copies of his first book, Paul Renner.

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‘Active literature’ arrived

Hyphen Press / 2007.07.12

This week we received copies of Christopher Burke’s new book.

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‘Active literature’ advance

Hyphen Press / 2007.06.22

On Tuesday of this week, Christopher Burke talked in London on ‘Jan Tschichold: the missing typefaces’ to the Friends of St Bride Library. Speaking without notes, and in full command of his subject, he described and analysed the previously almost unconsidered typeface designs that Tschichold made in the 1930s.

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Tschichold at St Bride’s

Hyphen Press / 2007.04.29

In connection with his forthcoming book Active literature, Christopher Burke will be talking on 19 June at the St Bride Printing Library in London on ‘Jan Tschichold: the missing typefaces’. An exhibition at the Library of work by Tschichold, curated by Christopher Burke and Robin Kinross, will open then and be on display through to 23 August.

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Interview with Christopher Burke

Hyphen Press / 2002.05.17

We publish an interview with Christopher Burke, conducted and introduced by Andreu Balius and Juan J. Arrausi, graphic designers in Barcelona. This is the original English text of the interview published in Spanish in the magazine GRRR (no. 8, 2001).

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Hibernia Type

Hyphen Press / 2001.05.13

Christopher Burke, author of Paul Renner, now residing in Barcelona, has established a website, principally for his foundry Hibernia Type

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Burke at Hay

Hyphen Press / 2001.04.28

On 26 May at the Sunday Times literature festival at Hay-on-Wye, in the Welsh-English borderlands, Christopher Burke will be speaking on ‘Typography’.

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‘Paul Renner’

Hyphen Press / 1998.10.01

The Hyphen edition of Christopher Burke’s book is now published. From January 1999, a co-edition for sale outside Europe will be available from Princeton Architectural Press.

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