The Zurich Bible was published in a new translation this year. This is the Bible in its Swiss-Protestant text, first published in 1531. Not only is it a bestseller (26,000 copies sold since June), but it must be one of the best-looking and best-made books published anywhere for some time. Some bare statistics of the edition shown here hint at its qualities: weighs 1 kg, page size is 20 × 13 cm, number of pages is 1,950. This edition sells for €13.80.

The book was designed by Christoph Noordzij and Marianne Elbers (both Dutch) and uses a typeface designed by the former (Christoph is a son of Gerrit Noordzij). It was printed and bound by C.H. Beck at Nördlingen in Germany. For some more, see the publisher’s website.

The book is sewn in sections of 48 pages. Glueing of the sections is with a quite flexible hot-melt. Given the thinness of the paper and the large number of sections, the book opens easily.
(For the tip: thanks to RR.)