Copies of our new book, Tanya Harrod’s The real thing, arrived before Christmas. We published it formally on 22 January, launching it that evening at a reception at the Art Workers’ Guild in London. The book, which gathers over 30 years’ worth of writing for magazines, journals and newspapers, follows the loose format of previous collections – Peter Campbell’s At … and Robin Kinross’s Unjustified texts. Like those two books, this one was printed in Belgium (Die Keure) and bound in the Netherlands (Binderij Hexspoor).

The next publication will be the double CD Bach and his rivals by The Bach Players. Presenting cantatas by Telemann, Graupner, and J.S. Bach, we think this CD is a cracker. We will publish it formally around Easter, meanwhile copies can be bought at Bach Players’ concerts. In both content and physical format it follows the series style. The CDs themselves were made by Repeat Performance Multimedia. The printing of the packet and booklet was done by Padnall Printers in Tottenham, north London.