Hyphen Press

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The new website

This new Hyphen Press website is launched today. Before the old site stopped functioning, in June, we had already decided to make a new one to be responsive on all kinds of screen, with improvements to the shopping process, and to let us provide downloadable files in a more integrated way. Almost all the material from the old site has been retained here. We have checked through much of the old text and the pictures. There are certainly still links that are broken, missing pictures, mis-styled text: much of which we should be able to fix in the coming days. But if you find anything obviously wrong and would like to tell us, please do. Write to info [at] hyphenpress.co.uk.

The new site uses Arnhem webfonts, kindly supplied by Fred Smeijers at OurType. To see these at their best, you need to use Firefox and (in the preferences) allow pages to choose their own fonts. The Arnhem webfonts will also show in Safari and Chrome, but without the OpenType features working.

Many thanks to Matt Carey, Kris Handley, and Mike Robinson at Studio Lift for making the new website.