Our exhibition at International Project Space opened last Saturday and will be there until 8 May. The show could be an occasion for a visit to the model village of Bourneville. In some respects the exhibition tries to be a model too. Of necessity it is small, but it has a certain argument, and shows not just the books we have published, but also some of those that have provided inspiration; one case is devoted to working materials. Visitors can sit and look through a selection of the books, and they can also listen to some of the music we publish and distribute.
Three glass cases and a low table for books are configured in a square:

Two rectangular cases show the theme of format: small-size books and mid-size books:

Some books are available for inspection and reading:

A large square case is devoted to the making of our Anthony Froshaug book:

(Photos of the exhibition by Matt Williams and Jane Cheng.)
Published by the IPS for the exhibition is a broadsheet, folded down to make (if you cut it in the right places) a 16-page pamphlet. This has a discussion by Robin Kinross of formats, some reflections by Paul Stiff on Hyphen Press, and a bibliography of all the books we have published. Copies are free at the exhibition, which is perhaps a further reason to travel to Bourneville.

There will be a number of talks and events to accompany the show, including a screening of Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah, which, among its many qualities, raises the question of documentary practice – and some of the considerations that informed the Anthony Froshaug book. See here for the full list of these happenings.