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The new website

The Hyphen Press website appears today in a new form. There are many added and altered features, providing much content beyond the simple description of the books we publish. The old ‘Column’ section – which in retrospect seems to have been a sort of proto-blog – is now made more visible, and will become a backbone of the new website. It is now called ‘Journal’, and includes short pieces of news about Hyphen activities, comments on and links to things that interest us, and some longer articles. All the text on the site is searchable. The books are now shown in photographs, rather than scans, and we will provide downloads of sample pages. Later this year we plan to add a shop from which books can be bought online.

The new site is designed and custom-built by James King. It has been a long and demanding job, but we think the result is in good shape now – good enough to present it to the world. There are still elements to add, and things to tighten and polish. This will happen over the coming weeks. Comments from readers and users are welcome, and will be taken notice of. Though, until the day when Hyphen Press transmutes entirely into a blog, we will not provide a ‘comments’ section on the website. Meanwhile: enjoy the new website, and look forward to the new books: Christopher Burke’s Active literature and Typography papers 7.